Despite the terrible plot and unsatisfying sequel bait ending, Machete Kills is still good fun that manages to be even more ridiculous and over the top than it's predecessor. Danny Trejo and Michelle Rodriguez are once again great and Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson both give gleefully over the top performances. Robert Rodriguez's direction is good, it's well filmed and reasonably well paced. The music by Carl Thiel and Robert Rodriguez is also good.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
A lot of fun. Plot basically described in the title...While I have not been left with any long-lasting memories from this film, I was never bored while watching it. It has action, it's funny, the pace is good and has a decent amount of eye candy without stepping too far into soft core territory. If the film had to be put into a category; then entertaining nonsense would be a fair fit. It isn't trying to be deep or meaningful, it just wants to keep your eyeballs busy: it does just that.The film's tongue is stuck so far into it's cheek it is almost beyond recrimination. Any criticism laid at it's door seem almost pointless and could be easily diverted by the intentionally spoofy nature of the production.One to watch with a few mates, some beers, and snacks.
'Sentiment: Neutral 😑'
If Ithcy & Scratchy were live action this is it. Be prepared for more celebrities, gruesome deaths and classic B Movie shout outs. Lady Gaga is the surprise here as the Chameleon. This time Machete is called by President Charlie Sheen to stop a mad man played by Mel Gibson. But again Machete is overran by bad people who wants him and his buddies. Things blows up, people get hurt and on. There is time for some beautiful ladies, and breaking of the fourth wall too. If you like mindless gore go watch this movie. A Halloween party for grown men here without monsters jumping out at the screen. It's not the end here, as Machete is send out in space to fight more baddies.8/10